The fight for survival of the African ostrich

Bird’s nest in the yard

The Bare-throated Bellbird

The Bare-throated Bellbird (Procnias nudicollis) is a large bird found in the Atlantic Forest of South America, particularly in Brazil. Known for its distinctive call resembling the sound of a bell, it is named for the lack of feathers on its throat. The male has a striking appearance, with bright yellow plumage and a black head. These birds play important roles in seed dispersal and are indicators of forest health in their habitat.

The Black Baza

The Black Baza, a captivating raptor found in Southeast Asia, possesses an understated elegance that sets it apart. With its sleek black plumage and striking white abdomen, it presents a beautiful contrast as it soars through the forest canopy

Too full

The mother bird defies danger to protect the nest

The dance of the Sunbittern

The Sunbittern, found in Central and South America, boasts captivating plumage and behaviors. Its black, brown, and buff colors create intricate patterns on its wings and body. During courtship, it unveils striking eyespot patterns by spreading its wings, accompanied by vocalizations. Along riverbanks, it skillfully forages for small aquatic prey using its long bill. This bird, admired for its beauty and charm, faces threats from habitat loss, urging conservation efforts to protect its existence in the wild.

Scalet Ibis

The Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) is a striking bird species found in the wetlands and coastal regions of South America and the Caribbean. It is known for its brilliant scarlet plumage, which intensifies during the breeding season. The Scarlet Ibis has a long, slender curved bill and long legs, which it uses to wade through shallow waters in search of crustaceans, insects, and other small aquatic prey. These birds often gather in large flocks, particularly during the breeding season, when they form colonies in mangroves or other suitable habitats.

Funny parrot

White-crested Turaco bird bathing

The White-crested Turaco (Tauraco leucolophus) is a bird species native to sub-Saharan Africa, known for its vibrant plumage and distinctive crest. With striking green feathers on its body and wings, highlighted by a white crest on its head, it adds a splash of color to its forest habitat. This arboreal species is often observed perched high in trees, where it feeds on fruits, berries, and leaves. Its loud, distinctive calls are a common sound in its forest home

The Three-wattled Bellbird

The Three-wattled Bellbird (Procnias tricarunculatus) is a unique bird species found in the cloud forests of Central America. Known for its distinctive and loud calls resembling the sound of a bell, it has three fleshy wattles hanging from its beak, which are more prominent in males during the breeding season. These bell-like calls are used by males to attract females and establish territory. The Three-wattled Bellbird primarily feeds on fruits and insects found in the forest canopy.

So beautiful sunbird

Bird stand motionless when in danger

Never give up

The two geese screeched with excitement when they heard the music from the man

Whiskered Treeswift nest

The Whiskered Treeswift (Hemiprocne comata) is a species of bird found in Southeast Asia, particularly in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. It is known for its streamlined body, long wings, and distinctive whisker-like feathers around its face, which give it its name. Whiskered Treeswifts are adept aerial hunters, catching insects in flight as they glide effortlessly through the air.

So beautiful

Strange behavior of this bird

Supper cute chicks

A great story

He is holding 20 Bitcoins

Small but powerful

Smart bird

Rescue a bird

The red-necked tanager

The red-necked tanager, native to South America, captivates with its vivid red throat and contrasting black plumage. This small and colorful bird adds a burst of brilliance to the tropical forests it inhabits, showcasing nature's diversity in avian beauty.

The Southern Carmine Bee-eater

The Southern Carmine Bee-eater, prevalent in southern Africa, is a stunning bird with bright carmine plumage and a distinctive long tail. Often found near water, it showcases aerial prowess while hunting insects, contributing vibrant colors to the landscapes it inhabits.

Azure-winged Magpie

The Azure-winged Magpie (Cyanopica cyana) is a beautiful bird species native to East Asia, particularly found in parts of China, Korea, and Japan. It features striking blue and black plumage, with azure-blue wings that shimmer in the sunlight. Known for its intelligence and social behavior, it's often seen in small groups or pairs in woodland areas.

Amazing Pigeon


The twelve-wired bird of paradise

Twelve wired bird of paradise & 10 rare moments of birds The twelve-wired bird of paradise, native to New Guinea, is renowned for its elaborate courtship display. With twelve long wire-like feathers, the male creates a spectacular visual effect to attract mates, showcasing the remarkable diversity of avian mating rituals in the rainforests of its habitat.


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