The fight for survival of the African ostrich

Too full

The poor parrot lost both legs

Last family meals

Which way is the best way?

Bird’s nest in the yard


The Black Baza

The Black Baza, a captivating raptor found in Southeast Asia, possesses an understated elegance that sets it apart. With its sleek black plumage and striking white abdomen, it presents a beautiful contrast as it soars through the forest canopy

Amazing bird (by AI)

Red-wattled lapwing nest

The Red-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus indicus) is a notable bird found across South Asia. It nests on open ground, often in gravelly or sandy areas, making a simple scrape in the earth. The lapwing typically lays 3-4 camouflaged eggs, with both parents sharing incubation duties and aggressively defending the nest from predators. Recognizable by its loud calls, red facial wattles, and striking black, white, and brown plumage, the Red-wattled Lapwing is a distinctive and protective species in its habitat.

The Bare-throated Bellbird

The Bare-throated Bellbird (Procnias nudicollis) is a large bird found in the Atlantic Forest of South America, particularly in Brazil. Known for its distinctive call resembling the sound of a bell, it is named for the lack of feathers on its throat. The male has a striking appearance, with bright yellow plumage and a black head. These birds play important roles in seed dispersal and are indicators of forest health in their habitat.

Larosterna inca

The Inca Tern (Larosterna inca) is a unique seabird native to the coasts of Peru and Chile. It is easily recognizable by its dark gray plumage, striking white mustache-like feathers on either side of its beak, and red-orange beak and feet. Inca Terns inhabit rocky coastal areas and feed primarily on fish, diving into the ocean to catch their prey. Their distinctive appearance and vibrant facial feathers make them one of the most visually striking birds in their coastal habitats.

Striated Heron rescues a stranded fish

Hummingbird drinking nectar of flowers in heavy rain

Amazing Nacunda Nighthawk nest

The Nacunda Nighthawk (Chordeiles nacunda) is a large nightjar found in South America, particularly in open grasslands and savannas. Unlike many birds, Nacunda Nighthawks do not construct traditional nests. Instead, they lay their eggs directly on bare ground, often in a slight depression or among sparse vegetation. This minimalistic nesting strategy helps the eggs blend into their surroundings, providing camouflage from predators. The female typically lays one or two eggs, which are incubated by both parents. Their ground-nesting habits and nocturnal behavior make the Nacunda Nighthawk a fascinating species to observe.

The dance of the Sunbittern

The Sunbittern, found in Central and South America, boasts captivating plumage and behaviors. Its black, brown, and buff colors create intricate patterns on its wings and body. During courtship, it unveils striking eyespot patterns by spreading its wings, accompanied by vocalizations. Along riverbanks, it skillfully forages for small aquatic prey using its long bill. This bird, admired for its beauty and charm, faces threats from habitat loss, urging conservation efforts to protect its existence in the wild.

The crow is so smart

Scalet Ibis

The Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) is a striking bird species found in the wetlands and coastal regions of South America and the Caribbean. It is known for its brilliant scarlet plumage, which intensifies during the breeding season. The Scarlet Ibis has a long, slender curved bill and long legs, which it uses to wade through shallow waters in search of crustaceans, insects, and other small aquatic prey. These birds often gather in large flocks, particularly during the breeding season, when they form colonies in mangroves or other suitable habitats.

Satyr tragopan

The Satyr Tragopan (Tragopan satyra) is a strikingly colorful pheasant found in the montane forests of the Himalayas, including regions in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. Males are especially notable for their vibrant plumage, featuring bright red, orange, and black patterns with blue facial skin and wattles. Females are more subdued, with mottled brown feathers that provide excellent camouflage. These birds prefer dense, temperate forests and bamboo thickets, where they feed on a diet of seeds, berries, and small invertebrates. The Satyr Tragopan is known for its elaborate courtship display, where males show off their vivid colors and inflate their wattles to attract females.

Dance of the Magnificent Riflebird

The Magnificent Riflebird (Ptiloris magnificus) is a striking bird-of-paradise found in New Guinea and northern Australia. Males have glossy black plumage with iridescent blue-green patches, while females are brown and camouflaged. During courtship, males perform elaborate dances, spreading their wings and showcasing their colors while making rifle-like calls. They inhabit tropical forests and feed on fruits, insects, and nectar. The Magnificent Riflebird's vivid appearance and unique displays make it a captivating species.

OMG, it’s so adorable

This small, featherless parrot is extremely adorable

This bird has very unique legs

The Pied Stilt, found in Australasia and parts of Southeast Asia, stands out with its distinctive black and white plumage and long, slender legs. Known for its elegant wading behavior in shallow waters, it epitomizes grace and adaptability in wetland habitats. This shorebird species is celebrated for its striking appearance and agile foraging techniques, often seen delicately probing mudflats for small aquatic creatures. Its presence underscores the beauty and resilience of avian life in diverse ecosystems, captivating birdwatchers and conservationists alike with its natural charm.

Happy owl

Happy owl

They are so adorable

Lilian's Lovebird, originally from northeast Africa, charms with its vivid plumage of green, red, and yellow. Named after the daughter of the renowned ornithologist Charles Lucien Bonaparte, it symbolizes affection and companionship in aviculture. This small parrot species captivates with its playful demeanor and strong pair bonding, making it a favorite among bird lovers. Its lively antics and sociable nature further enhance its popularity as a delightful pet bird, embodying the joy and vibrancy of tropical avian life.

So peaceful

The Gouldian Finch, native to Australia, is a marvel of avian beauty with its vibrant plumage in shades of red, yellow, and green. Renowned for its striking coloration, it stands out as a symbol of Australia's diverse avian fauna. This small passerine bird captivates with its delicate features and distinctively colored head. Its presence in the wild and in captivity alike highlights its popularity among bird enthusiasts worldwide, making it a cherished icon of Australia's rich biodiversity.

So beautiful sunbird

Great man

A male sparrow taking his wife to the cafe for breakfast

Pied stilt’s flirtation

Pied Stilts, elegant wading birds found in various regions worldwide, engage in captivating courtship rituals characterized by intricate displays. During courtship, they engage in synchronized movements, including head-bobbing, wing-flapping, and calling, to impress potential mates. These displays also serve to establish and reinforce pair bonds. The male often presents nesting materials to the female as part of the courtship process.

The Guira Cuckoo

The Guira Cuckoo, native to South America, is a charismatic bird known for its distinctive appearance and sociable behavior. With a striking combination of black, white, and rufous plumage, it stands out in its habitat. These cuckoos are often seen in groups, engaging in cooperative breeding and foraging. Their loud and raucous calls, resembling laughter, are a common sound in their range.

The colorful world of birds

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