So easy

Hula hooping is easy, just follow him

Piping Plover family

The Piping Plover native to North America, is a small shorebird known for its pale greyish-brown plumage and distinctive black bands on the forehead and chest. It inhabits sandy beaches and lakeshores, where it forages for insects and small invertebrates. Piping Plovers nest in shallow scrapes in the sand. Classified as Near Threatened due to habitat loss and human disturbance, they are a focal point of conservation efforts along the Atlantic coast and Great Lakes regions.

White-throated Fantail

The White-throated Fantail, with its striking plumage and agile flight, stands out among avian species. Found across Southeast Asia, its exquisite white throat contrasts vividly with its charcoal-grey body, accentuating its elegance. Renowned for its acrobatic aerial displays during courtship, this bird captivates observers with its grace and agility. Its melodious song further enhances its charm, often echoing through dense forests. Revered for its beauty and captivating behavior, the White-throated Fantail remains an outstanding symbol of avian wonder in its natural habitat.

Rescue baby owls and release them into the wild

Rescue baby owls and release them into the wild

Black Necked Grebe

The Black-necked Grebe (Podiceps nigricollis) is a small, striking waterbird found in wetlands across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. During the breeding season, it sports a distinctive black neck and head, golden ear tufts, and red eyes.

These grebes prefer shallow lakes and marshes, where they build floating nests from plant material. They are excellent divers, feeding primarily on small fish, insects, and crustaceans.

The Azure Kingfisher

The Azure Kingfisher (Ceyx azureus) is a small, brightly colored bird found in Australia and New Guinea. It has striking blue and orange plumage, with a distinctive azure blue back, wings, and head, and a bright orange belly. These kingfishers inhabit riverbanks, lakes, and wetlands, where they hunt for fish and aquatic insects.

Azure Kingfishers build their nests in burrows excavated in riverbanks. They use their strong beaks to dig tunnels, which end in a nesting chamber.

Tenerife Blue Chaffinch 

The Tenerife Blue Chaffinch, endemic to Spain's Canary Islands, is a jewel of avian biodiversity. With its striking azure plumage contrasting against lush greenery, it thrives in the island's pine forests. Conservation efforts have safeguarded this species, once threatened by habitat loss and invasive species. Its melodious song echoes through the woodlands, symbolizing resilience and local pride. As an icon of Tenerife's natural heritage, the Blue Chaffinch embodies the harmony between preservation and appreciation of the Canary Islands' unique ecosystem.

Chestnut-winged Cuckoo

The Chestnut-winged Cuckoo (Clamator coromandus) is a striking bird found in South and Southeast Asia. It features a glossy black head and crest, white underparts, and distinctive chestnut-colored wings.
This cuckoo inhabits forests, woodlands, and plantations, where it is often heard before seen due to its loud and distinctive calls. Like other cuckoos, it is a brood parasite, laying its eggs in the nests of other bird species, leaving the foster parents to raise the young.

Share happiness

The horse is sharing food with the pigeons

Mountain Bamboo Partridge

The Mountain Bamboo Partridge (Bambusicola fytchii) inhabits mountainous regions in Southeast Asia. Recognizable by its mottled brown plumage, white throat, and black face mask, it prefers dense bamboo forests and grassy hillsides. These ground-dwelling birds forage for seeds and insects. Known for their loud calls, they are often heard before seen, making them an elusive species in their thick vegetation habitats.

Mouth too wide

Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus), is a magnificent bird found across Africa, Europe, and Asia. It's distinguished by its large, pouched bill, used for scooping up fish and water. With a wingspan up to 3 meters, it glides gracefully above lakes and rivers, diving from heights to catch prey. These sociable birds often gather in large flocks, displaying cooperative fishing behaviors. Revered in ancient Egyptian and Greek cultures, the wide-mouthed pelican continues to captivate with its impressive size and distinctive feeding habits.

The Eurasian Hoopoe in Africa

The Eurasian Hoopoe, a charming bird widespread across Europe, Asia, and Africa, is instantly recognizable by its distinctive crown of feathers resembling a crest. With its warm cinnamon plumage, black and white striped wings, and long, slender bill, it's a delight to behold. Hoopoes frequent open woodlands, savannas, and grasslands, where they probe the soil for insects and larvae with their specialized bills.

Bronzed drongo

The Bronzed Drongo (Dicrurus aeneus) is a striking bird found in South and Southeast Asia. It is recognized by its glossy, metallic black plumage with a bronze-green sheen. This small but aggressive bird inhabits forests, woodlands, and gardens.

Bronzed Drongos are skilled aerial hunters, feeding on insects they catch in mid-flight. They are known for their fearless behavior, often mobbing much larger birds to protect their territory.

Rescued the hummingbird, and then it built a nest right in front of my house

Rescued the hummingbird, and then it built a nest right in front of my house

Grey Peacock Pheasants

The Grey Peacock Pheasant (Polyplectron bicalcaratum) is a species of pheasant found in the forests of Southeast Asia, particularly in countries like Myanmar, Thailand, and Malaysia. It is known for its stunning plumage, characterized by intricate patterns of grey, black, and iridescent blue or green feathers. Both males and females have elaborate crests and long, graduated tails adorned with eye-catching markings. The Grey Peacock Pheasant primarily forages on the forest floor, feeding on insects, seeds, and small invertebrates.

Rescue the kingfisher


From Rescue to Friend

So beautiful peacock

A beautiful long-tailed peacock is flying over the water

Red wattled lapwing nest

The Red-wattled Lapwing (Vanellus indicus) is a distinctive bird species found across South Asia, known for its striking appearance and loud calls. It has a black crown, white face, throat, and belly, and a chestnut-brown back. The most notable feature is the bright red fleshy wattle (or "lap") on its face, which gives the bird its name. The Red-wattled Lapwing is often found in open habitats such as grasslands, wetlands, and agricultural fields. It forages for insects, crustaceans, and small vertebrates by probing the ground with its long, slender bill. These birds are highly vocal and their loud, repetitive calls, often described as "did-he-do-it," are a common sound in their habitats.

Beautiful Red and yellow Barbet African

The Red-and-yellow Barbet (Trachyphonus erythrocephalus) is a bird species found in parts of sub-Saharan Africa, particularly in savannas and woodlands. It is known for its vibrant plumage, with a red head, yellow body, and black and white markings on its wings and back.

Great dance

The Violaceous Euphonia

The Violaceous Euphonia, a small songbird native to Central and South America, enchants observers with its stunning iridescent plumage and melodious songs. Males boast glossy violet-blue feathers, while females exhibit a more subdued greenish-blue hue. These euphonias inhabit forested habitats, where they flit among branches in search of fruits and insects. During courtship, males sing intricate songs and perform aerial displays to court potential mates.

The Northern Gannet

The Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) is a large seabird found in the North Atlantic. It is known for its striking white plumage, black-tipped wings, and long, pointed beak. These birds are excellent divers, plunging from great heights to catch fish.
Northern Gannets breed in dense colonies on cliffs and rocky islands, where they build nests from seaweed, grass, and mud.

Funny birds

Are you kidding me?

The Little Grebe (Tachybaptus ruficollis) is a small waterbird found across Europe, Africa, and Asia. It has a compact body, brown plumage, and a distinctive rufous neck during the breeding season. Little Grebes inhabit freshwater lakes, ponds, and slow-moving rivers. They are excellent divers, feeding on small fish, insects, and aquatic invertebrates. Their nests are floating platforms made of plant material, anchored to submerged vegetation.

This is a long, very sad story

The reproductive strategy of cuckoos involves laying eggs in the nests of other bird species, leaving the foster parents to raise the young cuckoo. Cuckoo eggs often mimic the appearance of the host bird's eggs to avoid detection.
When the cuckoo chick hatches, it typically outcompetes the host bird's chicks for food, sometimes growing larger than its foster parents. This strategy, known as brood parasitism, allows cuckoos to invest less energy in parental care and allocate more resources to reproduction.

I love him❤

This bird was caught in a trap but has an extraordinary will to live

Plumbeous Water Redstart

The Plumbeous Water Redstart, a striking bird native to mountain streams and rivers in South and Southeast Asia, boasts a distinctive plumage of slate-grey with a vivid orange-red belly. It forages along rocky riverbanks, dipping its tail into the water to stir up aquatic insects, which it swiftly captures. During courtship, males perform mesmerizing aerial displays and sing melodious songs to attract females.

The Crested Quetzal

The Crested Quetzal, a breathtaking bird native to the cloud forests of Central and South America, is renowned for its iridescent green plumage and striking crest of feathers atop its head. With its long tail and vibrant colors, it's a majestic sight among the misty trees. These quetzals primarily feed on fruits, insects, and small vertebrates found in their forest habitat. During courtship, males perform intricate aerial displays, showcasing their beautiful plumage to potential mates.

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