The color of this bird really makes people fascinated

The Emerald Dove (Chalcophaps indica) is a stunning bird found in the tropical and subtropical regions of Southeast Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and parts of Australia. Recognizable by its vivid emerald green wings and back, the bird also has a distinctive maroon-brown body and a white forehead. Its striking plumage makes it one of the most beautiful doves in the world. Preferring dense forests and woodlands, the Emerald Dove feeds on seeds, fruits, and insects. Known for its gentle, cooing calls, it often forages alone or in pairs on the forest floor, blending seamlessly into its lush surroundings.

Red-necked Woodpecker

The Red-necked Woodpecker, also known as the Rufous-necked Woodpecker, is a captivating bird found in parts of Southeast Asia. With a striking combination of black and red plumage, it boasts a glossy black body contrasted by a vibrant red neck and head. These woodpeckers are skilled climbers, using their powerful bills to drum on trees and excavate insects from the bark. Their distinctive calls echo through the forests as they search for food.

From death to deceadsed

The Whiskered Yuhina

The Whiskered Yuhina (Yuhina flavicollis) is a small bird species found in the forests of the Himalayas and Southeast Asia. It is known for its distinctive appearance, characterized by a combination of soft, grey plumage, a white throat, and prominent black whisker-like markings on its face. The Whiskered Yuhina is typically found in montane forests, where it forages for insects, spiders, and small fruits in the canopy. It moves in small flocks and emits high-pitched calls while foraging, making it easier to detect despite its small size.

They love birds

So amazing Woodpecker

Scarlet ibis

The Scarlet Ibis (Eudocimus ruber) is a striking bird species found in the wetlands and coastal regions of South America and the Caribbean. It is known for its vibrant scarlet plumage, which intensifies during the breeding season. The Scarlet Ibis has a long, slender curved bill and long legs, which it uses to wade through shallow waters in search of crustaceans, insects, and small aquatic prey. These birds often gather in large flocks, particularly during the breeding season, when they form colonies in mangroves or other suitable habitats.

How baby Mergus merganser leaves the nest

The baby Mergus merganser, also known as the Common Merganser, has a dramatic start to life. After hatching in a high tree hole nest, often situated in tall trees near water bodies, the ducklings must make a bold leap to the ground. Despite the considerable height, sometimes over 30 feet, the ducklings are remarkably resilient. The mother encourages them from below, and one by one, they jump, using their lightweight bodies and downy feathers to cushion their fall. This courageous plunge is a critical first step, enabling them to quickly reach the safety of the water where they begin learning to swim and forage under the watchful eye of their mother.

Rhythm of nature

#bird #birdwatching

The way this bird finds its prey is unique

The Long-billed Curlew (Numenius americanus) is the largest shorebird in North America, distinguished by its exceptionally long, curved bill, which is ideal for probing deep into mudflats and grasslands for insects, crustaceans, and other invertebrates. This striking bird has a mottled brown and tan plumage that provides excellent camouflage in its preferred habitats. Breeding in the grasslands of the western United States and Canada, the Long-billed Curlew migrates to coastal areas during the winter. Its distinctive call, a series of melodious whistles, can often be heard as it forages or performs aerial displays, making it a remarkable presence in both its breeding and wintering grounds.

Colorful chickens

Their nest is amazing

The Woodland Kingfisher

The Woodland Kingfisher, a bird species native to sub-Saharan Africa, is renowned for its striking coloration. Its back and wings are a vibrant azure blue, while its head, throat, and underparts are a warm chestnut brown. The combination of these vivid hues creates a stunning contrast, making the Woodland Kingfisher easily recognizable in its woodland and savanna habitats.

This bird is very talented at fishing

The Green Heron (Butorides virescens) is a small, striking bird found across North and Central America. Recognizable by its greenish-black cap, rich chestnut body, and dark green back, this heron exhibits remarkable patience while hunting. Preferring wetland habitats, it often stalks the edges of ponds, marshes, and rivers, using its sharp bill to catch fish, amphibians, and insects. Notably, the Green Heron is one of the few bird species known to use tools, such as dropping bait into water to lure fish, showcasing its intelligence and adaptability in its environment.

Wild dances

Black-crested bulbul

The Black-crested Bulbul, a bird species native to Southeast Asia, is known for its striking appearance and melodious songs. With a glossy black crest atop its head, contrasting with a warm brown body and white underparts, it's a captivating sight in the forests and gardens it frequents. These bulbuls are highly vocal, emitting a variety of calls and songs to communicate with others of their kind.

Cute Penguin

Streaked Spiderhunter

The Streaked Spiderhunter (Arachnothera magna) is a bird species found in Southeast Asia, particularly in countries like Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. It is known for its streaked plumage, long curved bill, and specialized feeding behavior. Streaked Spiderhunters primarily feed on nectar, which they obtain by probing flowers with their slender bills.

Mille Fleur Bantam Hen

The Mille Fleur Bantam Hen is a charming and unique breed known for several special features:

1. **Unique Feather Structure**: The feathers of the Mille Fleur Bantam Hen are not just colorful but also have a unique texture known as "booted" or "feather-legged." This means they have feathers on their feet and legs, adding to their distinctive and charming appearance.

2. **Active Foragers**: Mille Fleur Bantam hens are very active and excellent foragers. They love to scratch and peck around, which helps in natural pest control as they consume various insects and bugs, benefiting the overall health of your garden or yard.

3. **Longevity**: These hens tend to have a longer lifespan compared to some other breeds. With proper care, they can live up to 8-10 years, making them a long-term companion for those who raise them. Their longevity, combined with their friendly nature, makes them a rewarding breed to keep.

Amazing hummingbird nest

Bullfinch bird Europe

The Bullfinch (Pyrrhula pyrrhula) is a bird species native to Europe, Asia, and parts of North Africa. It is known for its distinctive appearance, with males sporting a vibrant red breast, grey back, black cap, and white rump, while females have a more subdued coloration with a pinkish-brown breast and greyish-brown back. Bullfinches inhabit various wooded habitats, including forests, woodlands, and gardens, where they feed on seeds, buds, and berries. They are often seen perched in trees or shrubs, and their presence is often announced by their soft, flute-like calls.

Sun Wukong real life version

The King-of-Saxony Bird-of-Paradise, native to the rainforests of New Guinea, is renowned for its extraordinary plumage and distinctive head ornaments. Males possess incredibly long, wire-like plumes that extend from their crown, resembling antennae or "flagpoles," which they can move independently. These plumes are used in elaborate courtship displays, where males perform acrobatic flights and call loudly to attract females.

The Long-wattled Umbrellabird

The Long-wattled Umbrellabird, native to Central and South America, features a distinctive black plumage and a lengthy wattle hanging from its throat. Known for its peculiar appearance and resonant calls, this rare species inhabits montane forests, contributing to the rich biodiversity of the region.

Grey Peacock Pheasant

The Grey Peacock-Pheasant, a magnificent bird native to Southeast Asia, captivates with its intricate plumage and regal appearance. With its elegant grey feathers adorned with iridescent blue and green eye-spots, it's a stunning sight in the dense forests it inhabits. These pheasants are known for their secretive behavior, often foraging on the forest floor for insects, seeds, and fruits. During courtship, males perform elaborate displays, spreading their tail feathers to reveal their intricate patterns.

Rufous-crowned Bee-eater

The Rufous-crowned Bee-eater (Merops americanus) is a striking bird found in the Philippines. Distinguished by its vivid green plumage and rufous-colored crown, this bee-eater also has a bright blue throat and a long, curved beak. Preferring open woodlands and forest edges, it feeds primarily on bees and other flying insects, catching them mid-air with remarkable agility. The Rufous-crowned Bee-eater nests in burrows dug into sandy banks, showcasing its unique nesting behavior and contributing to the biodiversity of its habitat.

Lilac-breasted Roller

The Lilac-breasted Roller (Coracias caudatus) is a stunning bird native to sub-Saharan Africa and the southern Arabian Peninsula. Renowned for its vibrant plumage, this bird displays an array of colors, including a striking lilac breast, bright blue wings, and a green head. Its spectacular aerial acrobatics during mating displays add to its allure. Preferring open savannas and woodlands, the Lilac-breasted Roller is often seen perched prominently, scanning for insects and small prey. Its dazzling appearance and dynamic behavior make it a favorite among bird watchers and photographers.

White peacock

Sri Lanka Frogmouth Batrachostomus moniliger

The Sri Lanka Frogmouth (Batrachostomus moniliger) is a bird species endemic to the island of Sri Lanka. It belongs to the nightjar family and is known for its cryptic plumage and nocturnal habits. The Sri Lanka Frogmouth has a wide, frog-like mouth, which it uses to catch insects in flight. Its plumage is mottled with shades of brown, helping it blend seamlessly with tree bark, where it roosts during the day.

Rescue a bird’s nest after a storm

#Rescue #birds

Little-ringed Plover

The Little-ringed Plover, a small and charismatic bird found across Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa, delights observers with its striking appearance and lively behavior. With a sandy brown back, white underparts, and a distinctive black and yellow ring around its eyes, it's easily recognizable along the shores of freshwater bodies and muddy flats. These plovers use their short bills to probe for insects and small crustaceans in the substrate.

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